Thursday, December 29, 2011

How did this begin?

  This blog is for all my friends ( especially one named Cathy) who want to know what is happening in our life! Today finds me looking back and wondering what all led to this huge change in our life...
  Having a job is kind of a big deal especially in today's ecomomy. At least one person in the family should be employed. I had to clarify that since next Tuesday is my last day at my work.  For the past 1 1/2 years there has been talk of reorganizing the Solar Renewable Energy team. Since we knew that a job transfer was a strong possibility we decided to be proactive and put our home on the market in March. Much to our surprise we received an offer quickly and moved out the third week in May. We figured we would rent and if we did't get transferred then we would find another home to buy here. We always said we wouldn't move until the boys were through with school. Tristan graduated in May from Iowa State so we were all set!  We found a nice rental 4 miles from where we were living and settled in to see what would happen. We have been living in limbo ever since. Finally mid September Dave was told that they wanted him to move to San Diego! In the usual HR fashion nothing happened quickly but we finally went out to look around the first part of Dec. To be continued....

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