Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Beach musings

When walking the beach yesterday morning I was contemplating all the positive things about my new city.... these are in no particular order just random thoughts which shows you how my mind works!
  1. The weather
  2. The sunny weather
  3. No snow and ice or below zero wind chill
  4. Did I mention the weather?
  5. All the tropical vegetation and flowering bushes and plants. Citrus and avocado groves.
  6. THE OCEAN!!!
  7. The smell of the ocean,sound of the waves and the sand between my toes
  8. Harbor seals
  9. The people- I always thought the Midwest had friendly people but let me tell you these Southern CA folks are really friendly.
  10. Being able to drive really fast legally
  11. Polite drivers- Chicago drivers should take lessons from CA. No horn blowing or "birds"!
  12. Stucco houses
  13. Several Trader Joe's
  14. All the hills and beautiful views from those hills.
  15. No bugs- haven't seen any yet...
  16. Sunsets over the ocean
  17. The craggy coastline
  18. Fresh seafood  and so on.....


  1. Love your positive attitude!! Every so often, I start really missing Ohio…But then I look outside and see the sunshine, and I'm so happy I'm in South Carolina!! Hope you're doing well over on your coast! Wish I could see the sunset over the water rather than getting up at the crack of dawn to see the sunrise… :)

  2. So much to be thankful for! It all sounds lovely.
