Thursday, September 27, 2012

Winter is coming….

   I had to chuckle today when I was in Costco.  As I stood by tables piled with thick winter coats and boots, an employee asked if I was finding everything I need.  To clarify- I just happened to be standing by the mounds of winter gear- I was NOT shopping for those items since it was well over 80 degrees and the high 90's are approaching again soon. I asked him where the charcoal was located since the grill master in our house said we were almost out of briquets. He said, in a shocked tone, "Those are seasonal and winter is coming!" Seriously??!!  We used to grill out all winter long Wisconsin except for blizzardy days and below zero wind chills.  So now we live in the land of nearly endless summer, have a gorgeous patio, tropical plants and  grilling season is over??? Needless to say, when I found charcoal at Target I bought 4 huge bags because OUR grilling season is far from over….I suppose when the snow gets knee deep around the palm trees we will call it winter :) Or when our nose hairs freeze and frostbite sets in on our cheeks…. The days are getting shorter and the nights a little cooler but no frost in the forecast! I still slather on the sunscreen daily!
    Fall means football so we went to a college game. Complimentary seats 4 rows from the field- I of course wished I had brought my crocheting.  Football is not my thing especially when I didn't care who won! It was a beautiful day and the marching bands were entertaining anyway.
 This is what fall looks like here….

 The canna lilies are thriving and have doubled in size- I may have a forest soon!
Love these buds that will be these flowers tomorrow...

Limes are growing

Lemons are ripening

Vines are creeping

Bushes are blooming again. 

New palms are flourishing

Fountain is flowing

Skies are a brilliant blue

Dragon fruit are ripe

The flesh tastes like kiwi/pear combo

Strawberries are as yummy as ever

Dave has taken up flying- this is the practice plane- the larger one is being shipped!

Typical sight every evening- dining outside with our feet up on the fire pit.   Living the good life!!!


  1. Nice RC plane! Jess has 2 and enjoys it! Vanessa begs him to fly his plane. Was so great to see you a few weeks ago. I got a big ol hug from Tristan at Marion and got a glimpse of Shane and Nikelle.

  2. Awww... your fall colrs look a little different than ours. ;) Enjoy them for me! Happy grilling.

  3. Hi Everyone,

    It does look like the good life alright!!!!

  4. Do you grow the dragon fruit?? I'd like to see the plant or bush or tree or whatever it grows on ~ haven't a clue about that, but I've bought it from my local WinCo the few times they've had it in the store ~ and I've enjoyed it.
