Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Special Place

    There was that special place we went to in WI every September….. renewing for the soul.  Now that special place is in CA in May.  We headed up to an area near Bakersfield and had wonderful days there.  It is at a farm that grows pistachios, walnuts, cotton and alfalfa.  This is the area of CA that is flat, flat, flat and only grows tumbleweeds if not irrigated.  You folks in the Midwest probably get a majority of your fruits, nuts and vegetables from this area.  To get there you travel over the Grapevine- a road that takes you up 4000 ft of elevation to get over the mountains.  It is a 3 1/2 hour trip if there aren't any traffic/accident delays.  It was very toasty hot there-especially on the weekend- high 90's.  I went earlier than Dave and this was one of my traveling companions :)

Well watered grass and areas of much appreciated shade.

Tenters stayed among the pistachio trees.


It is hard to see what Kenny has in his hand but he was quite pleased for that meeting. Dave caught a frog that was hopping through the meeting tent!

The road home- fields and fields of crops.


My new infusion pitcher from C&B.  Love the tasty water!

Monday night we beat the heat by heading to the coast. We did our 4 mile walk along the beach. Then we picked up carry out and this was our view for dinner! Very inexpensive beachfront dining. And that speck in the sky is Dave's plane! 


  1. Neat to see these pictures! Glad for special days! That water pitcher looks so inviting!

  2. Was enjoying your B'willow pics while sipping a refreshing glass of strawberry/kiwi infused water (after doing a little work out in the 90+ heat of the day) when, lo & behold... out of nowhere is a picture of the twin to my beloved new infusion pitcher! Isn't it just the greatest thing since...ever!
