Monday, July 29, 2013

Birthday party and Taste of Fallbrook.

There is the special mom to all these kids!
 We helped some very special girls celebrate their 8th birthday.  It was fun to host a kid's birthday once again!


The Rowland family - 2 of their boys helped celebrate too.

Siblings need presents also- right? It was like turning back the clock- Dave building a Lego set with a boy again!

The birthday girls- Kaitlyn and Katrina
  Friday night we went to a local event- Taste of Fallbrook with Duane and Verla.  For your $15 ticket you received food from several restaurants and you were to vote on the best ones. Luckily Verla knew that 1 ticket provided plenty of food for 2 people.
This massive burger was on display at the " Oink and Moo".  What a great name for a BBQ place!

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