Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Last day of work

   One would think that there should be bands playing, presentation of a gold watch and the CEO thanking me for all my wonderful contributions for 30+ years..... Guess not and I am certain Froedtert will continue to function just fine without me! Yesterday I swiped in at 5:29 am and out at 2:00 pm and during that time I took care of patients as usual. But then I cleaned out my locker and turned my badge into the security office and walked out the doors never to return there as an employee. It was bittersweet because I love my coworkers but am so glad to be done with the politics of nursing. Those of you who think of nursing as a wonderful career "helping people" obviously have never worked as a nurse. Yes there is a sweet feeling of making a difference in people's lives during some of there darkest days. And yes it has been a fairly well paid part time job over the years. But no matter how well you do your job there are the never ending politics and the feeling that nursing needs to be assigned yet one more meeting to go to or task to be done. Nursing sadly, has become all about survey results, six sigma, more computer documentation and more meetings to attend. Back in the old days it really was all about bedside nursing. It has been a decent gig but I am burned out! I will keep a current license just in case the perfect,very flexible, very part time clinic job tempts me in CA!!
  I was very thankful that I did not have to say my goodbyes to my coworkers yet- returning next week for a goodbye party. Now all I have to do is train myself NOT to wake up at 3:50 am!
My Monday post op buddy LuAnn and charge nurse Patty (otherwise known as "Mom")

Kea,Patrick and Rita-the front desk crew

Some of the fabulous preop crew!
Jan, Mary Kay, Marilyn, Mary

More preop peeps
Ruthie, Julie( best phelbotomist ever), Annette (awesome PCT)

Sandy(best story teller ever!) and Shirley( pick pocket extarodinaire!)

Our ever dependable transporter Chandra

Carrie, Michelle, Linda

Cindy and Ann

My best buddy and cousin Cathy who works in a different unit

Another preop friend- Char

Won't miss this 5:15 AM view!

  When I started at Froedtert it had only been open 1 month and I was the first group of nurse's aids that were hired. We were all nursing students and there wasn't anything called orientation! I believe Froedtert was 50 beds at that time and no one knew what or where it was! Now as I leave, Froedtert is  500 beds and a very highly respected Level 1 trauma center and specialty care referral hospital. 


  1. Just curious - anyone still there that was there when you started? You'd think that the CEO would acknowledge you leaving with all the history you have there!!! Good luck with the new chapter in your life.

    1. The CEO probably wasn't even born when Kristi started at Froedtert. :) Seems like they get younger and younger just like the docs!

  2. Yes Laurie there are several people at Froedtert and several in my dept have been there since the beginning. I used to know everyone in the hospital but now there are well over 5000 employees ( not counting the doctors)!
